Tuesday 10 April 2012

A Wine Tasting Event at Gilda's Tryst Sloane Square Store

At Gilda’s Tryst we love wine – so it’s only natural we had a blast at our recent wine tasting event – friends and customers came along to enjoy a selection of old and new world reds, whites and sparkling wines at our Duke of York Square store.
Hmmm...which wine to start with?
We like to merchandise in the open, rather than lock our collection away behind glass, so people can touch and try on the jewellery.


The event was a real success thanks to all those who came!
If you would like to be informed of any other event we organise, drop us a line at info@gildastryst.com and we will add you to our mailing list; or join our customer list online at www.gildastryst.com

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